Mushroom ID? | 9 | BUTTERSBOTTOMBlTCH | | | | |
Blue chanterelles- a fun find! | 6 | colorado_sunrise86 | | | | |
I really want to make some Lingzhi tea but this Thing looks too pretty lol one of the finest specimens I've found | 5 | Bunbobue | | | | |
Chanterelle? | 3 | Smegoking | | | | |
Are these safe? | 2 | Burner0280 | | | | |
Help please | 2 | Routine_Detail665 | | | | |
mmMmmMmMm | 2 | DrEpoch | | | | |
Can anyone confirm these are chanterelles? Eastern Canada | 2 | lonegrey | | | | |
Can anyone tell me what this is? Found on a mossy root system | 1 | cnoly | | | | |
Footlong Mushroom | 1 | AmusinglyAstute2112 | | | | |