Doodled Nahida and Arama during class lecture | 39 | _LavaNeko03_ | | | | |
Here is Nahida tcg guide ! | 32 | No_Insurance_55 | | | | |
1000 em 😎 | 20 | WannaBeAnAnony | | | | |
How much ER is optimal for Burgeon and Bloom teams? Is this enough? | 18 | Noctavian | | | | |
Nahida Cosplay by me before she lost her powers | 16 | sayuricosplay | | | | |
whats the rotation? | 2 | ediffy33 | | | | |
A Nahida build- work in progress. Sub dps Nahida build. Gunna R5 the dreams someday. | 2 | Used-Olive9097 | | | | |
Some advice for the build | 2 | crezator | | | | |
A perfect amount of uniqueness to the piece which makes it amazing and it's worth it | 1 | Level_Condition_1028 | | | | |
Which team is better? | 1 | Mastermon_716 | | | | |