Does anyone see the Resemblance of Personalties? | 27 | LongjumpingStorm9193 | | | | |
Tier List | 21 | OkTime733 | | | | |
Sierra & Diego’s Acting | 14 | eggasaurusrex_3 | | | | |
Name a character no one can make you hate | 12 | zachoutloud123 | | | | |
I understand what Ruby was going through now | 12 | nomadicsoul24 | | | | |
Does anyone see the resemblance? | 7 | LongjumpingStorm9193 | | | | |
My Tier List | 1 | PrettyDittyDino | | | | |
My tier | 1 | AccomplishedFan6807 | | | | |