How does Briana stack up now | 35 | Interesting_Grape_71 | | | | |
My boyfriend F!ike | 32 | hankidonkey | | | | |
No, Shinon, There’s No Such Thing as a “S-word Pass”(Shinon LF Build) | 27 | FanciestOfWalruses | | | | |
Special Heroes: Timidity Trials (Fire Emblem Heroes) | 21 | Railroader17 | | | | |
The “We have emblem Ike at home” build is finally complete as well as a few alt sets | 18 | Soultaker445 | | | | |
Are there any improvements I can make for these units in arena? | 17 | Froz3n247 | | | | |
My Selena build :) | 17 | AuBirdMan | | | | |
Advice on this Annette build? | 16 | AuBirdMan | | | | |
Strong and tough | 15 | dank-gamer-33 | | | | |
Can Resonance 4 make an old premium mage good again ? | 11 | Default_Dragon | | | | |