I made a historical temperature widget for any city in the world for the current hour | 13 | icodeshortcuts | | | | |
Wetter vor 30 Jahren in Dortmund | 9 | Robby3St | | | | |
Splitwise Balance Widget | 5 | feroon | | | | |
Widget for getting the cloudcover forecast | 4 | hoithe | | | | |
Is it possible to get exif data from a selected photo? I only need the creation date. | 2 | icodeshortcuts | | | | |
Can I add buttons to my widgets? | 2 | DodgeThingsGame | | | | |
How can i update the widget, only if a interact with it or run a shortcode? | 2 | icodeshortcuts | | | | |
Hi! I’m extremely illiterate when it comes to techy stuff. But can anyone answer a question for me? | 1 | Critical-Animator-93 | | | | |
Todoist ios widget using scriptable error | 1 | dpfahadqb1 | | | | |