Why is the historical country ''Republic of Venice'' called ''Mletačka Republika'' in Serbian? | 75 | Branik77 | | | | |
Pitanje o padežima u jednoj pesmi | 19 | qfivt34 | | | | |
Što znači gospodine žuti u ovoj pjesmi? | 15 | GladiusNuba | | | | |
Can someone explain.. | 13 | Mountain_Gold_2898 | | | | |
Good book for learning Serbian | 12 | PAKU-HIRUNOARUSUTA- | | | | |
Utičuna | 11 | PieceSea1669 | | | | |
Serbian Dubbed kids films | 10 | Impossible-Cake9952 | | | | |
Why in the screen of selection of Keyboard, in the cyrillic serbian, it says спрски instead of Српски. | 10 | Medium_Ad_9789 | | | | |
Pajser | 8 | petar_smrdi_govana | | | | |
How to understand grammatical cases? | 8 | jtanic04 | | | | |