Any word on Garam? | 26 | SnooPoems4693 | | | | |
Really chill minigame in the event | 20 | Appropriate_Win_1809 | | | | |
From 0 copy's all the way to rainbow this event is crazy | 15 | sphyar | | | | |
Have only 1 copy of him and i really need a light tank. Thoughts. | 10 | DumbManDumb | | | | |
The subreddit rn | 8 | Ayaynokoji002 | | | | |
Nonstop SSR+ Ren worth it? | 7 | Ayaynokoji002 | | | | |
F2P Player, how am I doing so far ? | 6 | thesidguy | | | | |
Is this a good start?? Im new to the game | 6 | Rin_Nohara01 | | | | |
New player looking for advice | 5 | Rudeboy_ | | | | |
Please help me decide who to prioritise | 5 | SnooWalruses5433 | | | | |