Practice Backwards. Yep. Backwards. | 25 | BodyDangerous6311 | | | | |
Been considering going to a club alone for a long time | 9 | ROEN1N | | | | |
Do you accidentally use a lot of filler words when you speak? | 7 | mo_the_writer | | | | |
Toastmasters for teens | 6 | Apprehensive_Ad_1895 | | | | |
Contest Question | 3 | Available-Walk1840 | | | | |
Do your clubs share minutes of executive meetings with all members or just club officers? | 3 | Cultural-Ocelot-3692 | | | | |
Lost my TM pin | 2 | FvckinWalkinParadox | | | | |
Hands free microphone recommendations | 1 | I_can_relate_2 | | | | |
Online clubs in the UK | 1 | hoiabaciufan10 | | | | |
Toastmasters experience not so good | 1 | Unique-Cook-5683 | | | | |