[WP] "You think me the villain, chosen one? What you call dark magic, I call science. What you call safety is upholding a corrupt monarchy, lying about divine right. I have seen a better world, lived in it! So why do you uphold this glorious lie?"
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[WP] You're about to be sacrificed by a cult, but when the demon appears before you, it speaks with the voice of your high school friend and says "Hey man, haven't seen you in forever!"
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[WP] Robots have completely replaced humans, such that there are literally zero humans, unknown to the robots themselves. Now, all of the robots are poorly trying to blend in.
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[WP] Every member of society is a sociopath, but they pretend to possess empathy and care for others to keep the world in order. The first person to evolve genuine empathy is born and begins to suspect something is wrong.
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[WP] You are randomly assigned an arch-enemy at birth. Their identity is unknown to you, however, heavy metal music will begin playing if they are near. Both of you will then become enraged and partake in an epic battle. One day, as you wait in line at the DMV, heavy metal begins playing...
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[WP] You are an amateur cyclist that has successfully doped, waxed and caffeinated your way to the race of a lifetime. Your chest aches after a hard climb, and you soon notice a thin, unbalanced contestant in a black cloak, awkwardly balancing a scythe on an ancient bicycle, struggling to catch up.
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[WP] "Find me a dragon to befriend." The king had said. You almost wish you hadn't succeeded. She was young and radiated a love and adoration for all things human. Now all she needed to be more ridiculous was to say something. "Humans are wonderful creatures, they make sweets!" You sigh loudly.
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[WP]You are a Super and your power has just manifested; It’s pretty weak and you can’t do much with it. But your parents are still worried and make you get your potential tested at the local Department of Variant Human Affairs). The results come in the next day: "Armageddon Class"
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[WP] Your SO confesses to you that they are a werewolf. You, a human, respond with a simple okay and proceed to go on. They, in huge shock, can't grasp your easy acceptance. From that day, in various ways, they began testing if you are a mystical creature yourself.
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