[WP] After 50 years of waiting in solitude at the Pearly Gates, a surprised angel walks up to you and says, "We're closed, dude."
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[WP] The campfire is warm in the bowels of the ship. You, a human, swap stories with the other imprisoned aliens to pass away the long night.
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[WP] You murdered someone out of the blue, and being a rookie started googling and asking questions. The types of questions you asked attracted attention, so when someone asked if you were writing a murder mystery, you said yes. You now have to juggle getting away with murder and writing your book
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[WP] Earth finally received its first communication from intergalactic creatures in the form of a golden disc. "We've done all we could to shield you from them, but it was not enough. We're giving you every resource we have at our disposal. Take what we've learned and use it against them."
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[WP] You're a scientist studying bacterial colonies. One day, you look under the microscope to observe strange shapes that, on a closer look, resemble letters. The bacteria are greeting you and have a message for you.
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[WP] You've inherited your grandfthers oddities shop. It carries everything from Muskets to macaroons. As well as a little bit of everything else. It's only after your first day running it, that you realize Your customers come from other times and realities. The gold is nice though.
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[WP] During a scuffle a superhero and villain find themselves handcuffed together with power cancelling cuffs. The hero is shocked when the authorities take the opportunity to try to grab both of them. Now on the run they must work together while the villain tells them a few home truths.
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[EU] Lucius Fox stared at the request sitting on his desk, "You want Wayne Industries to build you an AI backpack with inventory management software..." He looked up at the Hispanic girl, bemused. "How did you even find my office?" Dora grinned as she placed a scroll on the desk.
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[WP] A witch has turned you into a opossum, and only true love’s kiss can turn you back. However, you don’t want to be human again as you’re quite content with the empire of garbage you have built.
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[WP] Humanity has colonized the entire universe, finding no life, besides some simple bacteria. In search of intelligent life, we open a portal to another universe. This one is full of life, there is even a second Earth present. An Earth with humans conquered and enslaved by aliens.
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