[WP] You're blind, and have a seeing eye dog. Except you're starting to get suspicious, as your dog is clearly living much longer than any dog should, and has always been especially smart.
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[WP] "It's time once again for everyone's favorite species that can't ingest raw nutrients to survive! It has to be just right, from temperature to texture, in a process that gives galactic biochemists a headache. Please welcome today's contestants in: COOKING. FOR. HUMANS!"
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[WP] Everything you did in your life was average. One day you made a nasty looking dinner, but you noticed, that every other quality of said dinner magically increased, making it average. That's when you discovered your superpower. You are Average Man, the mightiest superhero.
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[WP]"A human once said something along the lines, 'The brain is the most powerful supercomputer in the universe'. So, I abducted one billion humans, gave them some 'light' memory wipes and strapped all their brains together in one GIANT supercomputer!"
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[WP] "When a planet is destroyed, a single person from the dead maybe reborn as a God. Your Domain shall depend on aspects of how you lived your life, actions, hobbies, work or anything else." That's what you were told before being reborn, but you still really weren't expecting the Domain you got.
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[WP] as an adventurer you’ve always had the ability to pull whatever monetary value you need from your pocket. What you didn’t realize is that it took money from someone else and replaced it with a note with your name on it.
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[WP] You are a supervillain whose superpowers only work when you speak in movie quotes. After a few close battles with your nemesis interrupting your monologue, you suspect that he's catching onto your secret.
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[WP] Legend has it, the princess waits for her beloved prince who never returned from war. The princess is seen waiting every day where they used to meet secretly, a lake now known as the Lake of Longing, with only her attendant at her side. As her attendant though, you know the story differently.
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[OT] About a month ago, my WP response got 1,800 upvotes and people begged me to continue the story. I did!
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