[WP] A tattoo of earth suddenly appears on every living thing on earth. A rival planet declares war on earth and a voice is heard from the ground "you have lived on me for a long time, now fight for your home".
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[WP] “What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen out there?” The new-recruit ask, looking out into the vast spacial abyss. The question catches you off guard, as you look around at the mostly destroyed and failing ship, drifting endlessly through space. You take a long breath in, “...Humans.”
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[WP] "Well, my boy, they got it backwards," he said while handing you a book. "Heaven is where sinners go to be punished eternally by being forced to be good, and Hell is the hedonistic paradise reward for good folks."
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[WP] A team of scientists created a 2cm big robot made of a microship containing an AI and of a little mechanical claw, and sent it to space with two instructions : 1- Survive ; 2 - Come back in 100 years. Its journey started 99 years, 364 days and 23 hours ago.
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[WP] You are Internet Explorer trying to muster up the courage to ask to be the default browser on someone's new computer after years of being denied.
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[WP] For some reason or other you've swapped bodies with your significant other. You turn to turn to face each other. "Wow," they say, "do you always feel this way when you look at me?" You are stunned into silence. In their body - with their brain chemisty - you feel no attraction towards yourself.
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[WP] With barely 7 billion members, the human race is considered an endangered species by most of the universe. In order to better preserve them, several groups of humans have been reintroduced to planets that, hundreds of thousands of years ago, they were once native to.
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[WP] It's generally accepted that predatory species evolve eyes on the front, while prey species evolve eyes on the side. For this reason humans are among the few intelligent species not trusted by the galactic council.
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[WP] Actors cannot leave character at all until the film in which they play is released in cinemas. Describe an actor's life.
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[WP] The Undead warriors of the Dark Lord say they have better work conditions than they did in Life. The Banshee of an Elf says she isn't sexually harassed anymore. The ghouls of peasants get something to eat. Necromancers are genuinely respected and loved. This gives the Heroes pause.
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