Still annoyed with riot | 16 | MrTakashikun | | | | |
If Xerath was an animal, what animal would he be? | 14 | cidem1324 | | | | |
What's the consensus on Xerath balance right now? | 12 | Livid-Okra-3132 | | | | |
Xerath be Beaming (1Handed) #leagueoflegends | 3 | Puzzled-Message-8284 | | | | |
Xerath Do Alittle Saving (1Handed) #leagueoflegends | 2 | Puzzled-Message-8284 | | | | |
Why is ludens better than the tear item? | 2 | WiggWamm | | | | |
Am I the only one who wouldn’t mind Rylai's being more expensive so it does more damage? | 1 | MrTakashikun | | | | |
This is what Emerald elo looks like | 1 | krla22 | | | | |