Suffered an IRL casualty at last night's league game. He really put in the leg work. | 68 | Antzinako | | | | |
Dwarven team very dwarven coach (plus some markers) | 65 | Jasper_Aoi | | | | |
Torchlight Deathroller | 60 | Ok_Put_8262 | | | | |
Latest Team Done - Bloody Goons by Punga | 57 | infected_butter | | | | |
Painting my first bloodbowl team! | 57 | Stircrazy87 | | | | |
Dark elves almost ready for the season ahead | 54 | Wild_Ad_2648 | | | | |
Old Town Watch complete team | 54 | pungaminiatures | | | | |
Say hello to my little friends' little friends (gnomes) | 53 | DuIzTak | | | | |
First pair of Saurus painted | 45 | Sure-Description-945 | | | | |
My Swansong (or Goosesong) - at least for now | 45 | drawsonthewalls1 | | | | |