Played against Gnomes for the first time last night... | 43 | Apocryph761 | | | | |
The 4 Blitzers from the Greebo Games ‘Vicious Wildfire’ Orc Bloodbowl team. I know Purple Orcs are invisible to the naked eye, but if you squint and tilt your head to the side you might just be able to make them out 🤣🤣🤣. | 40 | RealDrewBlood | | | | |
[Blitz Bowl] Travel Game for Holiday season :) | 39 | ulrickwery | | | | |
My first seven linerats ✅ | 38 | svanpjavel | | | | |
Torchlight Deathroller - finished. | 35 | Ok_Put_8262 | | | | |
Chaos Renegades | 33 | Redshirtfifteen | | | | |
I am a fan of Warhammer fantasy but I wanna rip my hair out when I play bloodbowl 2 | 31 | RippTheJackal | | | | |
Actual American football-related newbie question | 29 | Kozemp | | | | |
Teal Trained Troll! | 29 | 107Percenter | | | | |
Norses: They Break Easy but can Hit Decently. | 29 | Rokodur000 | | | | |