MP9 SMG (PROPGUN) 1/1 SIZE highly detailed replica of the legendary MP9 that is made to be a 1:1 size. the prop is made into 6 parts which need to be glued to recreate the 1/1 real life replica , and also can be made in 1 part for a smaller size prop .
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Bring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Life with 3D Printable Busts from NewForest3D! Michelangelo https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/tmnt-bust-michelangelo-mikey-headphone-stand #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles, #MutantMayhem, #Michelangelo, #Leonardo, #Donatello, #Raphael, #NinjaTurtles, #TurtlePo
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