Oh Really ?! | 53 | RevolutionaryBed4961 | | | | |
This stuff is so weird and Doug Batchelor is weird as hell | 51 | johndicks80 | | | | |
Ashamed about opposing adventism... | 45 | faramirforever | | | | |
No, I don't want to treat my serious diagnosis with NEWSTART! | 36 | Antique-Flan2500 | | | | |
Anybody else have "you can't live without me" style parents? | 30 | BrothaManBen | | | | |
For those of you who became non-believers, how do you deal with knowing there's nothing after death? | 28 | LollyLabbit | | | | |
Most Unhinged Sermon I ever heard | 24 | DatSpicyBoi17 | | | | |
Sabbath Breakers Club August 2 and 3 | 24 | CycleOwn83 | | | | |
Gaslighting and manipulation | 23 | RevolutionaryBed4961 | | | | |
For those who went to any Adventist school, how did teachers or staff deal with bullies, fights ,or anyone who’s clearly in the wrong? | 20 | Grouchy-System-8667 | | | | |