Why is my hamster screaming after I feed it? | 1074 | alwaysconfused679 | | | | |
I know theyre suppose to be big but THIS big?? Is normal?? | 989 | Ponnyyooo | | | | |
Is my hamster a boy or girl? | 439 | Initial-Mountain9409 | | | | |
Miss my little girl | 283 | ChaiGreenTea | | | | |
Am I doing something wrong? | 261 | -Archaeopteryx- | | | | |
Question | 218 | toebeansMech | | | | |
My hamster is obese what do i do | 107 | MeanSpace9276 | | | | |
Hamster sleep schedule | 93 | Excellent-Long-53 | | | | |
Finished diy enclosure | 78 | Fin-Fin- | | | | |
Finally getting my baby! | 77 | marsy2002 | | | | |