is the answer 13?am i right? | 7 | Mother_Guidance_2895 | | | | |
any one know the correct answer? | 7 | aj_dehbi | | | | |
Is Mensa IQ test actually accurate | 6 | Fancy-Pop8413 | | | | |
IQ test what’s the answer to this?? And can you explain ur reasoning | 6 | Significant_Sea_3421 | | | | |
Is realIQ test results reliable? | 6 | AccessFew4857 | | | | |
free iq tests | 5 | Smooth_criminal2930 | | | | |
Significant decrease in cognitive function | 4 | AccessFew4857 | | | | |
How high is a verbal IQ of 130 on the SD15 scale? | 3 | Constant_Library7249 | | | | |
IQ? | 3 | AnyWasabi4796 | | | | |
IMHO these are the 5 hardest puzzles in FRT. Can you explain the reasoning behind the solution? | 3 | fallencandy | | | | |