Moon placement and blessings from Lokapala/Dikpala | 3 | donotthekitty1 | | | | |
Dasha | 2 | FALSEY_9 | | | | |
Mercury in 7th house and past life karma | 2 | donotthekitty1 | | | | |
What is my most challenging placement? 27m | 2 | TigerBirdyTiger | | | | |
One combination for complete marriage denial in Female horoscope | 1 | donotthekitty1 | | | | |
I have stammering issue.There is any remedies for that? | 1 | That-Butterfly4583 | | | | |
Tell me about myself, good/bad things to look out for, and career and finance. | 1 | tsering_jigme | | | | |
Can anyone interpert kundali and say my all things | 1 | IllustriousBoard4627 | | | | |