Everyone please watch what you are posting or have posted I woke up to emails this morning saying that I violated copyrights and that was my warning and my account got a warning and I'd hate to see anybody's page taken or anybody's individual name | 5 | AnyContribution9486 | | | | |
Who is Lips? | 5 | essenceoffreshlemons | | | | |
Mildred arrested. | 5 | Ok_Platform_7693 | | | | |
Truth about Traci and the supposed Eviction🙄 | 3 | RedditNittyGritty | | | | |
Storm | 2 | PickEls0219 | | | | |
Tish always tells people to shut up until she’s done talking and then they can speak. But instead, after shes done cussing them out, she throws them out of the box and blocks them! Real classy!! | 2 | Ok_Platform_7693 | | | | |
Jenna has a message for nan | 2 | AnyContribution9486 | | | | |