Huge Marine Polychaete | 121 | DaveLatt | | | | |
What are these things on a strand of human hair? NSFW | 64 | zerooneoneonezer | | | | |
Thought for sure this daphnia was about to get chomped! | 48 | microscopequestion | | | | |
Frontonia in polarized light | 48 | mikropanther | | | | |
Planarian Jazz | 37 | microscopequestion | | | | |
Coleps in a sea of cyanobacteria | 36 | mikropanther | | | | |
ID request | 31 | udsd007 | | | | |
Lichen | 31 | AstroRotifer | | | | |
Is this a type of Heliozoa? | 27 | justmeandababe | | | | |
Dark field Cilliates! | 26 | Microbe_Mentality | | | | |