You know what sucks about being friendless? | 37 | PetalPunk1789 | | | | |
I literally lost everyone after covid. Now it just feels like everyone has found their clique and no one wants me in their life. :( | 33 | PetalPunk1789 | | | | |
Anyone feel like you'll never be able to have friends again because you're an adult? | 21 | PetalPunk1789 | | | | |
My cat is getting sick of my shit. He still loves me though. <3 | 15 | PetalPunk1789 | | | | |
No friends... | 10 | Ok-Recipe6838 | | | | |
So what now ? | 9 | Yeezy_Goblin | | | | |
The worst kind of depression is the boredem depression. | 7 | PetalPunk1789 | | | | |
Going back to school with no friends | 7 | Patient_Duck_7791 | | | | |
Quite socially isolated | 6 | Electric_Blue_171222 | | | | |
In a kind of online relationship with someone for the last 3 months … sometimes she gets upset and says she needs time alone …. Suddenly I realise I’m totally alone | 5 | asimpletailor85 | | | | |