A perfect anatomy scan! | 67 | savgoodfella | | | | |
Getting excited whenever I see a date near or after my due date | 47 | loddytops | | | | |
My first is going to be the BEST big brother for this baby! | 35 | CompulsiveKay | | | | |
Just found out the good news!! | 33 | Violette | | | | |
Things I’ll miss about being pregnant | 31 | TreeTrunk3689 | | | | |
A Nap and Chipotle | 30 | sbrackett1993 | | | | |
pretty sure i’m feeling the baby move! | 28 | cearara | | | | |
Helpful partners are priceless. | 27 | parallelteacups | | | | |
Enjoying pregnancy | 23 | SweetSoja | | | | |
Ahhhhh so excited!!!! | 23 | LSCKWEEN | | | | |