true-tileable 1 wide 3x3 spiral holed door | 837 | Gallium-Gonzollium | | | | |
is there a better way to do this? | 389 | PhoinexTheGreat | | | | |
what...? help...? | 323 | TyredTirant | | | | |
Making mailboxes for servers post office, any way to avoid quasi connectivity? | 312 | xscrumpyx | | | | |
I made a new concrete powder sorter design | 261 | Michael23B | | | | |
Fast and simple semi-automatic bridge builder | 207 | Tejasisamazing | | | | |
Simple but useful auto door using vaults | 191 | 9274729373837 | | | | |
2 blocks wide horizontal elevator that I made | 154 | Top_Independence_705 | | | | |
An interesting flying machine | 152 | TheoryTested-MC | | | | |
Small 2.15s opening 3x3 hipster door | 114 | TheDarkLord715RS | | | | |