How did she write so fast? | 102 | orangedwarf98 | | | | |
Emma D'arcy as the fool? | 92 | Zealousideal-Set-592 | | | | |
When you get to Fitz & the Fool and realize why this reddit has a bee for profile pic 🐝 | 21 | librarianjae | | | | |
Realm of the elderlings | 20 | Careless-Place-6287 | | | | |
Similarity between Kennit and Fitz | 19 | _Tetesa | | | | |
Kind of a weird Liveship question. | 6 | theshapeofpooh | | | | |
Rapscals big mouth | 2 | scrubbar | | | | |
Am I the only one who is disappointed with Assassin’s Quest? | 1 | TheDabApparent | | | | |
What do I have to read? | 1 | Pretty_Papaya2256 | | | | |
I love torturing my partner while she goes through the books | 1 | Higais | | | | |