Is the OR environment the same no matter where you go? | 25 | Yukkibaki92 | | | | |
My AV Fistula setup | 24 | NosillaWilla | | | | |
What gloves do you prefer? | 18 | AfraidTowel5417 | | | | |
Back table space | 12 | Boring_Emergency7973 | | | | |
Drug Screening | 9 | anonymous33879 | | | | |
Curious CST student | 9 | Extreme-Shape9452 | | | | |
Periacetabular osteotomy setup! | 8 | aldillpickle | | | | |
Trying to figure out what type of license my wife has | 7 | Hvitrulfr | | | | |
Fail | 6 | MundaneYogurt7349 | | | | |
Student with dyslexia | 5 | Commercial_Top5136 | | | | |