44 year old non-surfing, non-previously-skating surfskate noob. Quite proud of my progress so I thought I'd post to show: if this old git can do it, so can you! 💪🧓 | 71 | pilatesforpirates | | | | |
Eggzilla surf skate update: | 68 | Entire_Ladder57 | | | | |
surfskate meetup in the bay area | 63 | rasssccaaa | | | | |
big bowl rip with the YOW | 42 | Significant-Bid-4017 | | | | |
Snap, snap, snaaaps | 36 | PImedias | | | | |
Shit posting. A gullwing thing | 31 | FluffyControl2362 | | | | |
Surfakating made surfing easier (surpriseee) (/s) | 31 | ampersoon | | | | |
some advices? | 15 | Defiant-Cup4450 | | | | |
The very first attempt on the whip board. Will post again later Mabye. | 15 | FluffyControl2362 | | | | |
UK skaters, I can't speak highly enough of these custom decks. I'm a tall guy, and finding a board with the perfect measurements can be tricky, then I found out about Big Aye Skateboars. Problems solved. | 13 | Beanie_Kaiju | | | | |