Shout out to the Universus team at Gen Con. | 34 | RadioZT | | | | |
AOT Prereleases in Houston TX | 8 | Shinguyi | | | | |
Compared to other tcgs/ccgs, how is the pricing to be competitive? | 7 | Neymarvin | | | | |
Looking for Megaman: Battle For Power | 6 | rlrthesecond | | | | |
Decklists and website for singles? (EUROPE) | 5 | Lucidpictures | | | | |
Toga3 | 3 | Novelhellsing | | | | |
Website? | 3 | jjbrawler | | | | |
Standard vs retro | 2 | havealotafun | | | | |
Looking to pick up the Eren + Armin Challenger deck. | 2 | RaineG3 | | | | |
hawks chrome rare value | 1 | narfmanrules | | | | |