Lu bu is an absolute monster | 32 | SatansCyanide | | | | |
Struggling on the first boss. | 18 | 213Bishop | | | | |
How is the game? From, a rookie | 18 | Asleep-Collar-7361 | | | | |
Lu Bu… | 14 | FriendlyCup6784 | | | | |
the most fun i had in a while more fun than elden ring dlc and nioh lol this fight was awesome | 12 | hell4uasap | | | | |
Is this game right for me? | 10 | Genderneutralsky | | | | |
Is there a way to find these things? I wanna take care od everything before i advance back to the Main Battlefield. | 9 | 213Bishop | | | | |
Can anyone help me? | 7 | Wooden_Bag_6735 | | | | |
[Spoilers] Why did Lu Bu die? | 6 | that-other-gay-guy | | | | |
How does the levelling system work? | 6 | vfyobfuouf | | | | |