/u/-krizu's posts
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Eurooppalainen kansalaisaloite videopelien suojelemiselle ja niiden tuhoamisen estämiselle- Verkossa kerätyt tuenilmaukset
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When the Swedes and Novgorodians invaded the area of Finland during the 1100s and 1200s, did the "Finns" offer any effective armed resistance?
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When did an "officer corps" (captains, lieutants, squad leaders etc) as we know it begin, and how did the command structure work during medieval times?
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When viewed with hindsight, the Finnish civil war was an absolute and partly incompetent disaster for the rebel side, yet there must have been a plan for it. What was it, how did the red side think they might win or capture power, and how and when did it go so horribly wrong?
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were there any Nazi officers who despised Hitler even before the second world war but still did their duty as soldiers?
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I heard from a podcast that the Germanic tribes during the time of rome liked to dye their hair white and red. How did they do this? Also, were there other interesting ancient ways of style and hygiene that were used?
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