Post your OC and let me guess their favourite food! | 48 | OriginalCharacter | | | | |
This game does not like me. | 19 | mariokart | | | | |
What’s one piece of advice your OC would give to their younger self? | 12 | OriginalCharacter | | | | |
Pros & Cons of EE? | 7 | ElectricalEngineering | | | | |
Q For the Kiwis: Best place to get plugs in NZ? | 2 | Stretched | | | | |
DAE badly wish they could have sex? | 1 | actualasexuals | | | | |
If your OC could give themselves one piece of advice, what would it be? | 1 | OriginalCharacter | | | | |
Why, when I hold my head still, do high pitched ringing noises seem to disappear? | 1 | askscience | | | | |