Does McGill offer Painting Classes of any kind? | 12 | mcgill | | | | |
Will these fill zones work? I have arduino pin connections in the same plane as gnd (back copper), and also 5v, 12v, and arduino pins in the same plane (front copper). | 12 | KiCad | | | | |
Where to find drone motors that run on 6s and provide at least 7.5kg thrust? | 7 | Multicopter | | | | |
Thoughts on my first PCB? It's an arduino project connected to a NEMA 17, OLED, LED, button, potentiometer, and IR remote. I would love any feedback! | 4 | PCB | | | | |
NEMA 17 motor behaves eratically | 2 | arduino | | | | |
When/how to add fill zones? | 2 | KiCad | | | | |