Largest Global Companies by market cap 1979-2021. | 325 | Bogleheads | | | | |
Largest Global Companies 1979-2021. | 76 | ETFs | | | | |
Can you all please keep selling off your life savings so I can retire? | 67 | investing | | | | |
Tune out the Yen | 26 | Boglememes | | | | |
Minneapolis or Grand Rapids? | 13 | SameGrassButGreener | | | | |
Japan is having a good morning. | 1 | wallstreetbets | | | | |
How should a stoic act in the face of a global stock market crash? | 1 | Stoicism | | | | |
Largest companies by market cap from 1980-2021. | 1 | ETFs | | | | |
Every single Japan investor this fine morning. NSFW | 1 | wallstreetbets | | | | |
Japan investors this morning. | 1 | wallstreetbets | | | | |