Have y’all ever cried to a wee woo song? | 258 | willwood | | | | |
Ladies and gentlemen, i bought it | 139 | readyplayerone | | | | |
Guy goes through a comically large mansion and then dies | 10 | ExplainAGamePlotBadly | | | | |
Random middle schooler talks about his shitty life | 4 | explainabookplotbadly | | | | |
Dude cuts down tree and a few days later kills eldritch god | 4 | ExplainAGamePlotBadly | | | | |
Clinically online guy completes puzzle and becomes famous (also finds love or something) | 3 | explainabookplotbadly | | | | |
Argentinian guys kill demons | 1 | ExplainAFilmPlotBadly | | | | |
Have you ever regretted your main? | 1 | Brawlstars | | | | |