Caught this little friend <3 need good name ideas! | 2 | pokemongo | | | | |
Moltres up now first 5 to friend invited 817577186016 | 2 | PokemonGoRaids | | | | |
How in the world is my first “strong” shadow pokemon a pidgey… | 2 | pokemongo | | | | |
Just got this… I’m not crying, you’re crying! | 2 | pokemongo | | | | |
Only first 5 to friend get invited go go go 817577186016 | 1 | PokemonGoRemoteRaids | | | | |
Show off your growing hundo army | 1 | pokemongo | | | | |
Moltres up on me +2 other raiders 8175 7718 6016 | 1 | PokemonGoRaidInvites | | | | |
Tornadus up friend for invite | 1 | PokemonGoRaid | | | | |
Basic raid counter help? | 1 | pokemongo | | | | |
Getting ready for egg event | 1 | PokemonGoFriends | | | | |