I developed a better workflow, sound selection and writing process because of this community. | 20 | FL_Studio | | | | |
Yay or Nay? | 15 | FL_Studio | | | | |
Yay or Nay part two | 8 | FL_Studio | | | | |
I want to get better but my family life is honestly destroying all chance of that. | 5 | BPDrecovery | | | | |
Looking for a constructive critique | 1 | MusicFeedback | | | | |
How do I check my score with the Bot? | 1 | MusicFeedback | | | | |
Looking for constructive critique! | 1 | MusicFeedback | | | | |
comedown | 1 | u_DavidEightSeven | | | | |
I'm considering writing and performing vocals for this. | 1 | shareyourmusic | | | | |
Is this a habanero plant? | 1 | HotPeppers | | | | |