I cant make any posts without reddit filters deleting my post | 2 | NewToReddit | | | | |
Have you ever immediately clicked with someone you've just met and became best friends with them within a month?
| 1 | NoStupidQuestions | | | | |
AITA for telling someone that his art sucks and he won't amount to much in life in front of his friends and family.
| 1 | AmItheAsshole | | | | |
AITA for going to the police over a 'prank'
| 1 | AmItheAsshole | | | | |
Como conseguir amigos depois dos 30 anos? | 1 | conversas | | | | |
Não consigo sentir prazer quando consumo conteúdos em inglês.
| 1 | Idiomas | | | | |
tabela nutricional é um mito | 1 | gororoba | | | | |
Toda vez que vejo esse meme imagino que aconteceu nesse sub
| 1 | brdev | | | | |
TIL that when Atlanta was awarded the 1996 Olympics over Athens, Greek media blamed a conspiracy organized by Coca-Cola. Bottles of Coke were poured into the sewers of Athens in protest, and Coke's Greek market share took years to recover.
| 1 | todayilearned | | | | |
Vamos com calma amigos | 1 | botafogo | | | | |