TIFU by fake fainting to get out of class, found something else out | 30 | tifu | | | | |
I am not resilient at all and I worry what will happen when life will be hard. | 9 | confession | | | | |
Have I taken too much extra strength Tylenol? What’s the effect of this NSFW | 7 | medical | | | | |
Getting sick made me realize I have no friends. I don’t know how to proceed | 5 | internetparents | | | | |
3 imposter games v original games, do you miss anything? | 4 | AmongUs | | | | |
Diagnostic of 135 with games, 147 without… what do I work on? | 3 | LSAT | | | | |
Question about undergrad in design/ working before law school? | 1 | lawschooladmissions | | | | |
positive COVID Test, do I go to the ER? NSFW | 1 | medical | | | | |
Is this meningitis… sudden onset? NSFW | 1 | medical | | | | |
Really cold and throat is sore but normal temp? NSFW | 1 | medical | | | | |