I might have found the song, and its not just a good lead, ITS AN EXTREMLY GOOD LEAD. | 467 | TheMysteriousSong | | | | |
HUGE BREAKTHROUGH ON HÖRFEST 1984 ***NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!*** | 177 | Lostwave | | | | |
MBO FOUND HOLY SHIT | 164 | Lostwave | | | | |
I found a very good lead for TMS | 156 | Lostwave | | | | |
I FOUND STARRY GOROD! Любое6 By Старый город | 40 | Lostwave | | | | |
The most horny chat part 2 | 11 | LostwaveCirclejerk | | | | |
i dont know if barking someone means to this guy doing somethin nsfw to someone but from my understanding he is a part of the raid and he is ten yo kid NSFW | 9 | Lostwave | | | | |
I found the title of spinning like a hurricane | 8 | Lostwave | | | | |
Only myself can relate to this meme | 5 | LostwaveHumorCentral | | | | |
No joke, i might have found the song
Apparently one of the winners of horfest was this guy, uwe sandhop
I then typed LIKE THE WIND with the artist name uwe and i found this. Im still not fully certain that its the song but i think it might be | 1 | TheMysteriousSong | | | | |