What the fuck was Dave's problem? | 292 | PinkFloydCircleJerk | | | | |
Describe a beatles song as horrifyingly nefarious as possible | 143 | beatlescirclejerk | | | | |
What's your favourite song from Miami '69? | 41 | thedoorscirclejerk | | | | |
Best imdb profile picture? | 38 | okbuddycinephile | | | | |
Died the dupe of one's ambition | 24 | rdjcirclejerk | | | | |
10 Hours of City Traffic Sounds | 9 | okbuddyambient | | | | |
What's your favourite song from Miami '69? | 1 | thedoorscirclejerk | | | | |
Was there any truth in the allegations that Michael Jeffery was funneling most of Joni Hendrix's earnings into offshore accounts in the Bahamas being linked to international drug trafficking? | 1 | jimihendrix | | | | |