What was your favorite berserk moment? | 1140 | Berserk | | | | |
Favorite Ps1 Game? | 664 | psx | | | | |
Idc about the society! | 635 | DevilMayCry | | | | |
The only place where i can find peace | 625 | KingdomHearts | | | | |
My first experience with Eldenring be like: | 614 | Eldenring | | | | |
He‘s so silly | 473 | KingdomHearts | | | | |
Real. | 465 | silenthill | | | | |
*Devils never Cry starts playing* | 443 | DevilMayCry | | | | |
Never reliazed that. | 434 | FinalFantasy | | | | |
Meow_irl | 423 | MEOW_IRL | | | | |