/u/Gargatua13013's posts
How much better equipped would we be today at rehabilitating the Red Zone at the eastern French border than in the 1920s?
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Food pairings, how do they work? Why do some foostuffs have comlementary flavors which call out for one another, while others don't? Is it purely cultural or is there a physiological underpinning to this?
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There has been a lot of talk lately about the collapse of the Monarch population; has a parallel collapse of its Müllerian mimic, the Viceroy, also been observed?
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The passenger pigeon has been gone for nigh on a century now. What impact on the environment and ecological services has their dissapearance had? Has anything stepped in to take their place?
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What prompted Henry Ford to print & distribute 500 000 copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
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The 2006 UNICEF report on Children accused of Witchcraft claims that the sacrifice of witches and albinos is not really an “African tradition”, but rather a pre-1995 “new” or "invented" tradition. What happened in the early 90's to give rise to modern African witch hunts?
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Christianity in general, and Catholicism in particular has a strong cultural tradition of preserving and displaying dead body parts garnered from people judged to be of worth (Saints). When and under what circumstances did this practice develop? Is is rooted in pre-Christian traditions?
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A lot has been made of the love of the ancient Roman people for asparagus, notably by Apicius. How much of a luxury would asparagus have been during the Republic? During Empire?
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