/u/Gargatua13013's posts
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How did post WWII supply lines for basic groceries and staples (meat, milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables) in America change relative to the pre-war situation.
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Pollen grains grow pollinic tubes of considerable length to reach the ovae through the stigma. Do they do this using solely their own self-contained resources or do they metabolize tissue from the stigma to fuel this growth?
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What specific adaptations, if any, have Caribou acquired to cope with the large amount of lichen in their winter diet?
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How do I derive a form of the Navier-Stokes Law which realistically reflects the vorticity surrounding complexly spinose Odontopleurid trilobites in conditions of incompressible steady flow?
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Are there significant and recognizable differences between the structure of most plant and animal genomes?
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Are there any know instances of aerial filter feeders, or is filter-feeding restricted to marine/freshwater environments?
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