Expectation Vs reality. Bacon sticks | 115 | PapaJohns | | | | |
Papa John's Bacon Cheese Sticks | 94 | ExpectationVsReality | | | | |
I want a top fast machine for Photoshop, a NAS and finally the ability to work remotely on the same files. How many machines do you think I need? | 21 | homelab | | | | |
How does "Deduplication" work, if I want to export files to the cloud? | 3 | truenas | | | | |
TrueNas Files which have been de-duped and B2 Backblaze integration | 1 | backblaze | | | | |
I'm looking at rack servers, but how do I use this as a computer, how do people access these brilliant machines with a keyboard, mouse and monitor? | 1 | homelab | | | | |