Gaijin, when? | 117 | warthundermemes | | | | |
Outjerked by r/flags | 68 | balkans_irl | | | | |
Maintenance break is now live | 14 | ClashRoyale | | | | |
The current map of r/MapofWhatevria (join if you wanna have fun) | 14 | countryballs_comics | | | | |
S10E1: A New Beginning | 4 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
Map of Whatevria S10 just started! | 2 | Countryball_Mappers | | | | |
Expansion of Berdheinn-Gottenhoff | 2 | MapOfToulmond | | | | |
Delegation sent to Akipo | 2 | ZheLuyon | | | | |
G.D. Berdheinn-Gottenhoff starts producing T-34-B1 OKA tanks (bc fuck it, why not?) | 1 | MapOfToulmond | | | | |
Kingdom of Ribaria | 1 | ZheLuyon | | | | |