/u/MilkMeDryBeta's posts in /r/GOONED
The slippery slope. Be careful, beware, be strong. Like me, try to resist falling back in to the Abyss. Gooning for hours ..for days until you are a precum drooling, empty minded, self facial, slave to porn. Resist, you can do it. NSFW
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I relapsed at the start of the month but I am now on day 3 n0 f@p. Regaining my balance and girded for battle against the enemy. Failure is not acceptable. Weakness will not enter. Unlock the warrior in yourself. NSFW
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6 days into n0 f@p. The enemy is cocky. Mockingly willing to unsheathe my sword again and again daring me to use it. They smirk with boldness thinking Ill break. Not now, not yet, not ever. I'm still in control. Keep the warrior within you strong NSFW
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Day five n0 f@p. Throughout my battle to stay pure I have taken wounds. I must reset myself and heal for there is a long journey ahead. Who knows what evil will come my way. I must prepare and strengthen my body and mind for those who prey on the times I am weak. Stay strong ... NSFW
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Approaching day 7 N0 F@P. Already I can feel the shift in the tide. I can discern the force of the enemy as they manipulate the conditions of the battle. Unstable, chaotic, yet simultaneously tamed. The advasary stands daringly staring me down. calm before the storm? nevertheless i hold my integrity NSFW
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Day 7 N0 F@P. 1week I have gone without falling to my more primal desires. I've been strong but laying in bed trying to sleep hearing my upstairs nelghbors fuck is making it very difficult. After my weakened soul screamed in agony... It is over. temptations everywhere the enemy is crafty stay strong NSFW
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I relapsed at the start of the month but I am now on day 3 nofap. Regaining my balance and girded for battle against the enemy. Failure is not acceptable. Weakness will not enter. Unlock the warrior in you. NSFW
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