Idc if I get called a prude - oral sex is degrading | 144 | femalepessimist | | | | |
What’s behind men’s lack of innocence | 59 | femalepessimist | | | | |
How to be the “goddess of fun and light” when it’s not your personality? | 15 | BurbNBougie | | | | |
“Nothing more than another Act as if your wife were dead post” - just get a sex doll at this point smh…… | 12 | BurbNBougie | | | | |
my(21M) partner (51M) keeps claiming he has acknowledged his mistakes but I don't think he has? I feel like im going crazy | 6 | BurbNBougie | | | | |
Emotional Abuse: Am I crazy? | 3 | BurbNBougie | | | | |