Was Anyone else deprived of a childhood | 292 | CPTSDmemes | | | | |
I’m scared dad | 14 | DadForAMinute | | | | |
I’m on the verge of homelessness and I have nothing left to live for | 3 | SuicideWatch | | | | |
I’m on the verge of homelessness and feel like I have nothing left to live for | 2 | emotionalsupport | | | | |
30f just looking for some casual text partners | 1 | MakeNewFriendsHere | | | | |
I’m scared mom | 1 | MomForAMinute | | | | |
suicidal & lonely | 1 | emotionalsupport | | | | |
Suicidal & lonely | 1 | SuicideWatch | | | | |