My first kilt | 78 | kilt | | | | |
Any good downer you recommend? NSFW | 20 | cocaine | | | | |
Is there a way for a cell with a date to increase only the month? | 18 | excel | | | | |
Im in my first cut, but I think I want to bulk | 7 | GymMotivation | | | | |
What would you do? Keep the snow coming or let it rest till tomorrow? NSFW | 2 | cocaine | | | | |
Progress so far. Any comments to keep growing? | 2 | GymMotivation | | | | |
37M. High and I have a job interview tomorrow NSFW | 2 | cocaine | | | | |
Advice on a method to calculate differences for dates in days, but considering the next month as well. For checking due dates. | 1 | excel | | | | |
Trouble on calculating days | 1 | excel | | | | |